Tuesday, April 25, 2023

When it comes to treating medical conditions, which approach do you think is faster - Conventional medicine or homeopathy?

Which approach do you think is faster - conventional medicine or homeopathy? Many people believe that homeopathy is slow-acting, but let's consider a common skin condition like eczema. When you visit a dermatologist for eczema, they may prescribe an ointment which may provide temporary relief, but the condition may resurface after some time. In such a case, the dermatologist may suggest increasing the frequency of the ointment and prescribing internal medication. However, even after several years of using these conventional medicines, the problem may still persist or even worsen. On the other hand, a homeopath may prescribe medicines for about six months, and the problem may never reappear. Homeopathy can be just as effective, and sometimes even faster than conventional medicine. So, it's important to challenge the misconception that homeopathy is slow and ineffective. While conventional medicines may provide temporary relief, homeopathy can provide a more permanent solution. Share your thoughts and experiences - it's time to explore different options and make informed choices about our health.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Rekindling My Love for Writing: A New Chapter for Infouknow

"Hello, and welcome back to Infouknow!
It's been some time since I've written on this blog, but I'm excited to get back to it. As a homeopathy practitioner, I've been busy with patient care and continuing my studies, which unfortunately led me to lose focus on my blog. However, I've realized that sharing my knowledge and experiences with my readers is just as important as my work with patients. That's why I'm here to recommit to this blog and provide you with valuable content on homeopathy, health, and wellness. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and let's get started!"